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The sudden death of Professor Samir Amin was announced on 12 August 2018. He dedicated his life, research work, and political praxis to the post-colonial liberation of countries of the South from their colonial heritage. Probably, Samir Amin was the only renowned Third World economist in universities across the world. In the 1960s, he broke into economic thinking, which, up till then, was a restricted area, at the margins of science. With a rare intelligence and eloquent criticism, he brilliantly echoed the voice of the South. He denounced the world economic system that was driving the marginalisation of economically weak countries, as it were at that time, and contributed to reflection on more global solidarity before the emergence of global justice movement.

Generations of students, researchers and scholars from Dakar to Jakarta, from Cairo to Sao Paolo and from Paris to Pekin were nourished by the works of Samir Amin. They covered topical issues in Third-World countries, ranging from his thoughts and theories on the global economy, development, the trend of Third-World politics to his analyses on Islamism and neo-liberalism. But beyond the economist and the great thinker whose thoughts marked the world, was the man who chose to live a simple life, fully dedicated to his ideas and thoughts.

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