Board of Directors
Dr Paul K. FOKAM: Chairman and CEO
Dr Paul K. FOKAM is a researcher in Management Science, African cultures and Strategy. The bulk of Dr Fokam’sresearchfocuses on the cause of the poor, advocating for them and helpingthemcreatewealth.
He developed the MC² Model, a unique and efficient approach for wealthcreationamong the poor in rural Africa.
He holds a PhD in Management and is the author of many books such as: L'Entrepreneurafricain face au défid'exister; Africa: What about a take-off?; How Africans Worsened their Misery and L'Entrepriseafricaine et la mondialisation. His latest book, QuelleAfrique à l'horizon 2050?, published in 2013 by Afrédit in Yaounde, is a prospective and prescriptive analysis of the conditions necessary for Africa’s development.
Dr. Fokamsits on the Boards of several international organisations including the Mandela Endowment, Partnership to CutHunger and Poverty in Africa, theConsultative Group to Assist the Poorest, and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, amongstothers.
Dr.Fokam is the founder and president of the PKFokam Institute of Excellence, a pan African University which seeks to be an incubator of world class African leaders through the promotion of African knowledge.
He is, amongst others, winner of the German Prize for African Excellence, Knight of the Order of Valor of the CEMAC. He isinitiating and promotingof several initiatives for the emergence of a new Africa. His vision is to restore the African’sdignity.